Friday, May 17, 2013


As early as I can remember, I was full of energy.  As a small child I had ADHD so it was never a dull moment, my day usually consisted of not being able to sit still in class to trying to find ways to crawl on the ceiling.  As I grew up I was bouncing off the walls a lot less.  These days I still have random outbursts of humourous energy, but thats apparently one of the reasons people like me.  When I was young I was very into soccer, I was in it for five years before it started to get dull, then I turned my gaze onto paintball.  From the age of ten I lived and breathed paintball every day, it would always be on my mind and I would always be thinking about when the next time I could do it.  Yes it was annoying to some people because i would rattle on but I kept contempt.  Unfortunately it has now grown old for me.  I shall now talk about my highschool life.  I spent grade nine in a private christian school in a small town called chetwynd about a fifteen hour drive from here, there I lived in a home made of logs and one hundred and twenty acre property.  It was very peaceful.  Grade nine wasn't exactly the best acedemic year of my life, school wasn't really something that interested me and it showed.  When I graduated and moved back to penticton for grade ten, things turned around.  Princess Margaret was the first public school I would be attending after six years of private christian schools, it was absolutely terrifying.  I made friends quickly though and in the first month of school I got my first girlfriend.  I was a typical grade ten boy with awful Justin Beiber hair, life was rather ordinary.  That year passed by very quickly, summer came almost instantly,  and other than a breakup, it was the best summer of my life.  I paintballed regularly, ate lots of thigh-enlarging icecream, and enjoyed the penticton sun.  Then grade eleven came, my christian side faded away and I became absolutly terrifying.  I wore spikes all the time, along with ever-so-charming white contacts along with band shirts.  That is how people knew and recognized me then, the kid with white eyes and spikes.  That is when my humour got darker aswell.  I was spewing jokes such as "What is the difference between a ferarri and a dead baby.....i've never been in a ferarri" and other delightful knee-slappers as "what is the difference between a train carrage and a can't eat a train carrage".  Finally grade twelve came around and I got out of the spiky phase.  Now I have okay hair, wear normal clothes, have a decent job, and own a car.  I don't really do anything in my spare time other than eat and zone out on my ceiling, nothing too special.   

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Action of a supernatural type is always exciting, I have always enjoyed stories about demons and other spirits.  The book City of Bones by Cassandra Clare has grabbed my attention already.  THe mystery of the shadow hunters is quite exctiting, Jace is a shadow hunter that appears to Clary time after time and tell her breifly about what he does, he kills demons.  Though he is invisible to all normal human beings.  A world like that where I could have powers like in the story and go around killing demons would be a world that I would live in.  Running around ridding the world of such evils as vampires and werewolves would be a fantastical thrill ride.  The real world is boring and very uneventful, just imagine diving into a reality where supernatural powers are real and you can bend the rules of physics.  I am only 47 pages in and can't think of anything

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sugar Sugar

                                                                 Sugar Sugar

     My excitement is uncontrollable as this marvelous woman hands a bill to the cashier and walks with me out of the store.  The destiny that awaits me is just around the corner, today I get to be beaten by sugar crazed children for their own personal enjoyment.  I'm so excited!  The mother sets me down in her room and starts stuffing my inside with candy, instantly a tingling sensation fills my shell.  This feat of ecstasy lasts for another twenty minutes as I await the purpose of my creation.
       "I can't wait for Michal to see this, hes always wanted one" said the anxious mother.  She picks me up again and brings me downstairs, as we walk I admire the pictures of her and her family standing by the Eiffel Tower and of decorative fruit.  As we approach the sliding glass door  to enter the backyard, I can faintly hear the smacking sound of little children eating cake with their mouths open.  Has their mothers ever taught them manners?  That thought swiftly exits my mind as I get string stapled to my back and hoisted into the tree; man that staple kinda tickled.  I've never experienced the feeling of being ticklish since my creation, but I now know that it isn't very pleasurable as the helium balloons told me in Frank's Dollar Store.
      "Kids!  Come outside!" excitingly yells the mother.  Children sprint out of the house, eyes wide from the sugar high they were experiencing from the overabundance of birthday cake they just finished consuming.
      "Wow mummy you're the best!" shouted a icing covered child who was obviously Michal.  This is a rather nice scenario, excited children, the spring sun lightly warming the candy inside me; releasing the sweet smell of cheap hard candies and slightly melted chocolate.  In single file the hyper kids line up for a thick stick in which to beat the tooth rotting goodness out of me.  Finally!  Every child takes a spot, surrounding me.
"Birthday boy goes first!" says the mother sternly.  Michal winds up and gives me a good swing to the side.  God that felt good.  Like a pack of wild animals they all join in on a frenzy of strikes to my paper mache body.  Whack whack whack; ngh this is the most pleasuring thing I've ever experienced, if I could feel heaven this would be it.  Newspaper ripping and cracking of sticks is the only sound I hear, suddenly my body rips open; ow that actually kind of hurt.  Time and space suddenly leaves my reality.  Sound  becomes droned and my sight fades like turning off an old television but in slow motion.  Nothingness embraces me, the last thing I am aware of as I feel my body float away from my consciousness is  
      "Theres only four chocolates in here!  That's so dumb!"  The children and mother don;t even stop for a moment to think about what they ha just done.  To them, I'm an inanimate object.  No.  This inanimate object had a soul. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Many people don't like who they are, they may not like how they look, sound, or act.  People may also feel down on themselves because the don't have any special talents.  Me being one of those people, I would choose the ability to adopt any trait, skill, or ability I wanted.  This basically means I will have the power to act out or accomplish anything that comes through my mind.  Say I didn't like the way my leg giggled when I walked up stairs; I could just think "nice legs" and I would have perfect runway-worthy legs.  If one day I was sitting on my couch eating an unimaginable amount of candy corn (which I would now be able to do now because I can make it so I never get sick or gain weight) and a commercial came on for Canadian idle, I could then fantasize about wanting a perfect, flawless, angel-like voice and it would happen.  Many bad things have happened in the world, it would be so astonishing if I could just want the ability to time travel so I could right those wrongs.  I would be able to stop the 9-11 incident from happening.  A few months before it happens I would gain the skill to sculpt 1:1 scale models of famous people and sell them, or go to vegas and do my one man show of "the boy who could squeeze the juice out of everything" where I would take inanimate objects and juice them with my hands (just because I think that ability would be awesome) like rocks for money.  Then I would get onto that plane when I had enough money, ready to do my thing.  When the plane nears new york I would go into the pilot's cabin and develop the skill of that Vulcan sleep squeeze thing Spock does in star trek on the hijackers, then with ease I could want to obtain the skill of flying planes and get people down safely.  One thing this mystical of mine can do to really save the world is give me the ability of mind control; I would then travel to London, Ontario and use that to make Justin Beiber's father use a condom.  Speaking of saving the world, my power could be used to turn filthy drinking water in third world countries into clean drinking water, it could also be used to educate my mind to come up with a cure for AIDS, cancer, and every terminal illness the world has ever been stricken with.  The list could go on forever of what I could possibly achieve with this power.  Fun would be the main result of it, but the need to care for humanity would ensue thereafter.