Friday, May 17, 2013


As early as I can remember, I was full of energy.  As a small child I had ADHD so it was never a dull moment, my day usually consisted of not being able to sit still in class to trying to find ways to crawl on the ceiling.  As I grew up I was bouncing off the walls a lot less.  These days I still have random outbursts of humourous energy, but thats apparently one of the reasons people like me.  When I was young I was very into soccer, I was in it for five years before it started to get dull, then I turned my gaze onto paintball.  From the age of ten I lived and breathed paintball every day, it would always be on my mind and I would always be thinking about when the next time I could do it.  Yes it was annoying to some people because i would rattle on but I kept contempt.  Unfortunately it has now grown old for me.  I shall now talk about my highschool life.  I spent grade nine in a private christian school in a small town called chetwynd about a fifteen hour drive from here, there I lived in a home made of logs and one hundred and twenty acre property.  It was very peaceful.  Grade nine wasn't exactly the best acedemic year of my life, school wasn't really something that interested me and it showed.  When I graduated and moved back to penticton for grade ten, things turned around.  Princess Margaret was the first public school I would be attending after six years of private christian schools, it was absolutely terrifying.  I made friends quickly though and in the first month of school I got my first girlfriend.  I was a typical grade ten boy with awful Justin Beiber hair, life was rather ordinary.  That year passed by very quickly, summer came almost instantly,  and other than a breakup, it was the best summer of my life.  I paintballed regularly, ate lots of thigh-enlarging icecream, and enjoyed the penticton sun.  Then grade eleven came, my christian side faded away and I became absolutly terrifying.  I wore spikes all the time, along with ever-so-charming white contacts along with band shirts.  That is how people knew and recognized me then, the kid with white eyes and spikes.  That is when my humour got darker aswell.  I was spewing jokes such as "What is the difference between a ferarri and a dead baby.....i've never been in a ferarri" and other delightful knee-slappers as "what is the difference between a train carrage and a can't eat a train carrage".  Finally grade twelve came around and I got out of the spiky phase.  Now I have okay hair, wear normal clothes, have a decent job, and own a car.  I don't really do anything in my spare time other than eat and zone out on my ceiling, nothing too special.